Creating out of nothing

AV: It’s a bit ironic that you claim that because one of the most persistent arguments of the sceptics is that, since there is nothing in the homeopathic remedies, there can be no effect; nothing can’t do something, in their eyes.

G: Shouldn’t we first define something and nothing?

AV: I assume that by “something” I mean a material thing, something that exists, that you can perceive with your senses, that you can touch, grasp.

G: So what is ‘nothing’?

AV: Something that doesn’t exist.

G: Then it’s impossible; You’ve just defined “something” as something that exists.

AV: Then ‘nothing’ is actually inconceivable, because in order to make something, the thought must precede it, and that thought actually exists. Then every thought is also ‘something’.

G: Exactly: everything that can be thought exists, and a material mannerization is preceded by a thought or intention, whether it comes from me or from you.

AV: That’s an interesting addition. Surprising too.

G: Because not all manifestations come about intentionally or consciously. Where do thoughts or ideas come from?

AV: You can consciously evoke thoughts by, for example, thinking about how you want to decorate your home or plan your vacation. But most, uninterrupted thoughts float unbidden and in many cases unwanted. Like clouds, they come and go.

G: That incessant thought mill in your head.

AV: Which many people try to get rid of or at least gain some control over through spiritual practices. Because we get a little crazy from that continuous noise of thoughts inside us.

G: I see. But surely not all thoughts are disturbing noise?

AV: No, fortunately not. The wildest ideas, the most wonderful creations, the most beautiful works of art, fabulous inventions all first originated in someone’s mind. There is a lot of beauty in between, but the daily experience of the majority of people is that a lot of nonsense or jammers float by.

G: Maybe you shouldn’t take them too personally and indeed let them pass like clouds in the sky. But can we agree that thought precedes manifestation?

AV: Yes.

G: Can that also apply to homeopathy?

AV: There is no other way. The homeopathic rules and laws must correspond to general rules and laws. It is inconceivable that we should work with criteria other than those which are generally applicable. It may seem that homeopathy with its infinitesimal ‘doses’ is based on other laws, and therefore cannot work within the current generally accepted paradigm, but that does not alter the fact that homeopathy has been sufficiently demonstrated to work. The question is not ‘if’ but ‘how’

G: And your conclusion is?

AV: That everything that can be thought of exists. That’s ‘something’.  To define nothing becomes difficult; It is that from which everything originates, the Alpha and the Omega, the opening in the doughnut from which all manifestation springs from above and is reabsorbed from below, the black hole, the rest between two breaths, the silence between one thought and the next, the implicit order from which the explicit constantly emerges and disappears again.

G: I find that you are doing your best to describe something that you cannot experience in a normal state of consciousness, but nevertheless realize that it is there. There has to be. Incidentally, this is also the only scientific conclusion of unbiased research. Call it God’s work.

AV: So you are saying that creating out of nothing, although we do not understand it, is God’s work, and we are doing it continuously.

G: With every thought you have.

AV: Heavens.

G: Don’t worry. There are no errors in the universe.

AV: It does make me a little uncomfortable. Can we switch back to homeopathy and see if we can see this as a small domain where we see the universal laws of reality in which we live at work.

G: You can. Then we engage in true science by drawing conclusions from our observation as if they exceed the boundary of the official version of reality. Any branch of science that is willing to dig deep, ask fundamental questions, and have the courage to accept the results must inevitably come up against these universal laws.

Universal Laws

AV: And those universal laws are…?

G: We’ve just formulated one: thoughts are creative energies, which precede manifestation in 3D. We will limit our dialogue to your planet and your dimension. Although to do so we have to circle a part of an intrinsic infinity. In this way, we demarcate a finite area into an infinite reality, because it is difficult for the human mind to study everything at once. We simply have to keep in mind that this defined area does not exist in reality but is part of a larger whole with which it is in constant contact and in all ways.

AV: Agreed. Are there still universal laws?

G: You usually call them laws of nature, and here they are:

The Law Of The Divine UnityThe Law Of VibrationThe Law Of ActThe Law Of CorrespondenceThe Law Of Cause And EffectThe Law Of CompensationThe Law Of AttractionThe Law Of Permanent Transmutation Of EnergyThe Law Of RelativityThe Law Of PolarityThe Law Of Rhythm And MotionThe Law Of

AV: Now that you list them like that, we seem to take all these laws for granted, we don’t think about them. We just assume that the universe is ordered that way.  And whether we are aware of it or not, they are always at work.

G: Just like the law we formulated for it: thoughts are creative energies.

AV: May I conclude from this that it is sufficient to have the thought of a homeopathic remedy to make it? Why, then, do we seek out substances that are difficult to obtain (footnote Robert Munch Milking Snakes), do we carefully make tinctures or rub a substance into a mortar for hours until it becomes soluble, why do we design devices that shake and rinse the same glass tube 200, 100, 10,000 times, why are the tinctures dripped with mathematical precision in alcohol and shaken by hand on a book (footnote),  Are they all just rituals? And if so, why do we perform all these rituals?


G: Rituals are expressions of a thought form, they are carriers of a message, channels for focused attention, magical actions that are all the more powerful when shared by several people. Through the rituals you participate in and at the same time strengthen the morphogenetic field, the underlying thought collective.

AV: I understand. We love to perform rituals in our daily lives because it includes us in a larger whole, we feel part of something that is bigger and reaches beyond our small individual selves. Without a ritual at the death of a loved one or by extension, any transition in life would leave us feeling cut off, lonely, disconnected. We would be deprived of the help it gives us to know what to do because countless people are doing or have done the same thing in similar circumstances.

But does that mean that our resources don’t work without those rituals?

G: What do you think?

AV: It depends. Without those rituals, they wouldn’t work for me, I’m afraid. On the other hand, there are homeopaths who claim to be able to send remedies with the power of thought, there are patients who say that they already felt the effect of the remedy before they had taken it and that test subjects get under the influence of the remedy that is being tested, even though they have not (yet) taken it.  But not with me.

G: Why do you think that is?

AV: I’m not sure, maybe I don’t believe in it, or I don’t believe hard enough or only in some people in some cases. Then I am not even surprised, but I also don’t trust it systematically.

G: A little inconsistent, if I may say.

AV: It’s a bit like a colleague’s assertion about the radionic machine; He said if you are open to a ‘yes’ and a ‘no’ you can get both outcomes, but if you are not open to a ‘yes’, testing will be pointless and will never result in a ‘yes’. And that probably applies to a lot of phenomena.

G: I would omit the ‘probably’….

AV: So I’m not open to sending thought-transferred remedies to people, and certainly not to people who don’t know about it and therefore didn’t ask for it.

G: And if they did ask for it?

AV: Those might be the “some people in some cases” that I’m referring to. They claim to have ‘received’ the drug and I only half trust it. So I stick to the rituals, which involves a lot of hassle. I have to buy or make the stuff, pack them and send them, it would be a lot easier to be able to send them with the power of thought.

G: Why not give it a try?

AV: When the time is right and with your help.