Explanation for homeopathy
coming closer to ‘a definition’ of homeopathy, pfew
Homeopathy for the 21th century
coming closer to ‘a definition’ of homeopathy, pfew
Patterns, levels, intuition…. a lot of deep dives….
Is there one homeopathy or are there many?
Ah, THE remedy, the similimum, the one and the many….
Delving deeper into the fundamental oneness of object-subject-action and touching on the characteristics of ‘patterns.
AV: I remember an extensive study of the effectiveness of different therapies: the conclusion was that the success of the therapy was mainly due to the therapist’s conviction and belief in his method and the extent to which he was able to convey that to his patient. The method used turned out to be of …
In this session we try to expand our perspective and place homeopathy in ‘the bigger reality’
Now we are going to define ‘something’ and ‘nothing’ , unversal laws the importance of rituals.
We’ll start the discussion with what homeopathy is not
Taking the opportunity to ask my most pressing questions, after all these years….