
After almost 40 years of intensively practicing, studying and teaching homeopathy, many questions remain unanswered, much to my frustration, I must admit. It seems that every homeopath has a theory that he or she is at peace with and can work with. I haven’t been able to do this yet; a gnawing unsatisfied feeling makes …

 Law of similars

When I wrote “Homeopathy is Everywhere” some 10 years ago, I didn’t fully realize myself how true this is.The Law of Similars (e.g. like cures like or let likes be cured by likes)  is one of the pillars of homeopathy. Isn’t that a bit of an unusual foundation to build a whole healing system upon? …

How close is close enough?

A good image to illustrate how ‘close’ a remedy should be is the Mandelbrot set or the idea of fractals. One of the monsters of mathematics was that one cannot really measure, for example the coastline of the UK. It depends on the yardstick one uses. With long yardsticks one can measure the general outlines …

Simplifying Homeopathy

Progress with a downside. A few years ago, I started the project, or should I say the mission, to simplify homeopathy.Most of the homeopaths and especially the homeopathic teachers met their ever-growing catalogue of remedies with an equally increasing feeling of confusion and disheartening.As we applauded the new systems of analysing cases, we realised at …

The Vital Appraoch Map of Homeopathic Families

To pick up the thread where we left it last year: During the almost 30 years I plunged into homeopathy I’ve seen it developing both in the what I call the Grammar (the system) and the Vocabulary (the MM) at an enormous speed and momentum. How utterly simple homeopathy seemed in our beginning days when …