The Map with all Homeopathic Groups

As argued in the previous chapter, I will give the patient the remedy that matches the level and problem at hand. I hope I made clear the vital remedy won’t solve the problem when it originates from another level. In that case the patient doesn’t need a similimum, at least not at that moment for that particular ailment.A substantial percentage …

Towards an overview

It appears to me like the homeopathic community is moving little by little towards consensus on the main outlines of the profession. To sum them up: There is a time and a place for all approaches (prophylactic, acute, clinical, epidemic, emotional, miasmatic, vital). To make my point clear I use this very simple scheme But other schemes or representations that …

Homeopathy as an initiation process

Looking back on the beginning days of my homeopathic training and comparing to where I find myself now, several stages of development enfolding over the years become apparent. Most likely it is an evolution all homeopaths live through and from hindsight one has an overview of the journey. It then appears to be an initiation process. The majority of homeopathic …

Act normal

No matter how extended and sophisticated our software programs and how up-to-date our analyzing method, the crucial point stays: how to elicit the information we need from the patient. It is done in the past with questionaires, with particular questions to clarify the CC , gather modalities, generalities and possibly a KN, it is done by exploring the story, later …

Welcome to the Carbon World

Another group we haven’t discussed yet, and by its very nature easily overlooked, is the Organic Carbon group. Although Roger Morrison’s book on Carbons was first released in 2006 and still is the best source of information, while supervising homeopaths or helping them out with their difficult cases, I noticed the Carbon remedies are virtually not prescribed at all. In …

The Bacteria Mind

Apart of talking endlessly about physical symptoms and treatments, to the despair of the homeopath who is not getting any ‘deeper’, the patients who need a Bacteria remedy tend to provoke a slight uneasiness as well. The homeopath usually doesn’t know why but here is the reason: it‘s the mindset of the Bacteria. In the books we find the rubrics …

Group characteristics of Bacteria

As explained in a previous post, when we analyze a case and concluded we have a 2nd Dimension cases, still several possibilities remain open. It could be an Element, a Rock or Stone, a Gem stone, a Sarcode or a Bacterium. Health and Disease The latter group has very distinct characteristics and is indeed hard to miss once you’ve seen …

Simplifying homeopathy

As blog posts from April 2016 (‘Not seeing the Elephant in the Room’ and ‘Surprise’) already explained in length: the context is of major importance and most often overlooked in case analysis. Context could also be understood as coherence (Cfr.’The Charm of Homeopathy’ & ‘The Post Graduate Annual 2006’): what elements in the case constitute a pattern? This is the …

Too much information!

During the almost 30 years I plunged/delved into homeopathy I’ve seen it developing both in the what I call the Grammar (the system) and the Vocabulary (the MM) at an enormous speed and momentum. How utterly simple homeopathy seemed in our beginning days when we look at it from our current perspective! System upon system and method upon method is …

When a similimum doesn’t act

Most likely many homeopaths with long-term practices come to the same conclusion: our patients are not the same as the patients we saw at the beginning of our career some 25 -30 years ago. Our cases are more complex and we have to adjust the way we deal with them. Basically this is the core idea behind ‘Homeopathy of the …