Showing 57 Result(s)

About the virus

 While everybody is still asking what is going on it seems like, in the midst of the hypnosis and hysteria the first and fundamental question is forgotten. This question is: do viruses cause diseases? Do Bacteria or other ‘pathogens’ cause diseases? As natural healers we know they don’t; it is the false premise that benefit …

The More Beautiful World

As ‘normal’ life came to a halt with a screech, everybody tries to hold on to some explanation of what is going on. Homeopaths make no exception: everybody hurries to present a theory and a solution, mostly in the form of a list of indicated remedies. And as usual in our community, there are as …

We are all just walking each other home

 With this quote of the recently deceased Ram Dass, I’d like to wish everybody a joyful and fruitful 2020 and may all your wishes come true. We wrote about the fact that a homeopathic remedy basically is a medium carrying information; the question remains what information exactly and what does it bring about.  I think …


Often I read: ‘this remedy is good for infertility, autism, ADHD, Alzheimer, Lyme’s disease, etc.’ and then I ask myself: are we not to prescribe for the person rather then for the disease? Or, rephrasing: isn’t the first question we should ask ourselves: is this a remedy for the person or for the disease? One …

Where has the magic gone?

Those were the days In developing countries (among them many in Africa where homeopathy is extensively used) homeopathy has similar successes. In serious diseases like AIDS, malaria, TB, Ebola etc. cure is quick and easy in the way of the early days. This means: the prescriptions are made according to Hahnemann’s rules for epidemics (The …

How does homeopathy work?

This is probably the most asked question and one that not only homeopaths would like to see answered. But consider this: we can study homeopathy but it can’t be understood because it is an experience. It shares this quality with other mysteries in life, like love, joy, happiness, health, depression and indeed life itself. Experiences …

How to use the Map

In the 2D section, the Elements picture the basic structure for all other phenomena: the evolution from incarnation until disintegration.  We use 7 stages to picture this and, fractal-wise they are mirrored in every other group or family. Consequently these 7 stages are represented in Bacteria, Gems, Sarcodes, Monocots, Dicots, Insects, Birds, in short, all …

If Homeopathic Remedies are Information…

We assume that the curative action of homeopathy is based on the information the remedy provides. The carrier of that information is of lesser importance: milk sugar, water, nanoparticles, coded imprint of maybe even focused attention. More important is the scope of action; in other words: what are we trying to achieve? I’ll go into …

On the border….

Despite the fact we all like Maps and Schemes, I’d like to make a few remarks which I think we should consider whenever we use them. The consequences are that Biology studies life on a death body, Physics studies ‘building blocks’ leaving awareness out of the equation, Pharmacy studies medication for humans on animals and …

New Homeopathic Training

Program Vital Approach training Homeopathy is growing and evolving at enormous speed. Due to the increased interest in the seventies, the booming of schools and practices, and the introduction of the computer, every aspect of homeopathy knew an enormous expansion. Studying homeopathy 30 years ago and now is a whole different thing! Time for a …