Showing 57 Result(s)

Simplifying homeopathy

As blog posts from April 2016 (‘Not seeing the Elephant in the Room’ and ‘Surprise’) already explained in length: the context is of major importance and most often overlooked in case analysis. Context could also be understood as coherence (Cfr.’The Charm of Homeopathy’ & ‘The Post Graduate Annual 2006’): what elements in the case constitute …

Too much information!

During the almost 30 years I plunged/delved into homeopathy I’ve seen it developing both in the what I call the Grammar (the system) and the Vocabulary (the MM) at an enormous speed and momentum. How utterly simple homeopathy seemed in our beginning days when we look at it from our current perspective! System upon system …

When a similimum doesn’t act

Most likely many homeopaths with long-term practices come to the same conclusion: our patients are not the same as the patients we saw at the beginning of our career some 25 -30 years ago. Our cases are more complex and we have to adjust the way we deal with them. Basically this is the core …

What makes my heart sing

Seven years have passed since in the fall of 2009 I realized I could foresee the similimum of people. It was as if a door opened in my consciousness through which I could glimpse. It doesn’t matter whether people already contacted me or used their real name or an alias. The clairvoyance transcends time and …

The Healing Power of Illness

I remember having read many years ago the bestseller from Torwald Dethlefsen ‘The Healing Power of Illness’ and one statement in particular struck me, namely that no matter how much people we cure, the total amount of disease in the world stays the same. Whether this is true or not I can’t prove but the …

Artificial diseases

We haven’t mentioned the symptoms produced , as Hahnemann already did in his Organon of Medicine. These are not to be considered ‘natural diseases’ (which equals our vital disturbance, our way of being, our unique expression of consciousness) and to be differentiated from ‘artificial diseases’ caused by not suitable homeopathic remedies (which are temporary and …

Mythical prescriptions

The basic premise of homeopathy is that disease is a disturbance of the vital force expressing itself with signs and symbols on mind and body. The logical consequence of this is that the sick can be restored to health as it is stated in aphorism 1 by medicines that take away the disturbance of the …

Not again about potency!

A few more topics to deal with before we come to the Noetic part of the ‘New Homeopathy’. In the previous posts we argued that homeopathy in the 21th century should take the context into account. While the 19th century homeopathy was mainly focused on the symptoms, the 20th century broadened its vision to a …


To round up the importance of the context as we discussed in the last few posts, here is a summary of the different aspects:A patient always has to be considered in his total context.The homeopath as well as the homeopathic consultation operate in a certain context.A word or expression has no meaning unless it is …

Not seeing the elephant in the room

Now we know where and how to look for the Vital information, there’s one more thing to consider. We first have to have a general idea before we go into the details. As self-evident this might seem, I see most homeopaths I coach or supervise being so eager to find something Strange, Rare and peculiar …